Sexual Harassment
You’ve gone through something unimaginable and while we can’t erase what happened, we can help you move forward. We have the compassion needed to deal with the unique aspects of harassment and discrimination cases.
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights act 1964. The EEOC defines it as: “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.” Examples of sexual harassment may include:
Suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations.
Derogatory comments, such as sexual jokes, remarks, questions, teasing, leering, or gestures.
Touching, patting, pinching, impeding or blocking movement.
Sexual harassment in the workplace varies depending on the situation and the people involved. The law does not have an all-encompassing list, however, the focal points are if the actions are unwelcome and if the actions are creating a hostile work environment. At Schack Law Group we are passionate about fighting for our clients and helping our clients work in a safe space.
Sexual Harassment At Work
While sexual harassment can feel isolating, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Unfortunately, many other Americans have also experienced what you are going through. In fact, according to Edison Research, 21% of Americans have encountered sexual harassment at work, according to the workplace harassment statistics from 2018.
Our own office manager, Kathleen Schack, filed what we believe to be the first pregnancy discrimination lawsuit in the country against her previous Fortune 500 employer. Kathleen Schack won a $500,000 jury verdict in Southern California in 1993. Over the years, our experienced and compassionate attorneys have helped victims recover millions for harassment, discrimination, and abuse.
Damages Associated with Sexual Harassment
Below are some of the costs and potential damages associated with sexual harassment litigation:
Health Costs
-Mental health treatment for associated symptoms (e.g. depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder)
-Physical health symptoms (e.g. higher blood pressure, sleeplessness, migraines)
-Employer health care costs (e.g. providing counseling services)
Productivity Costs
-Absenteeism (e.g. using leave)
-Reduced performance
-Decreased job satisfaction
Career Costs/Lost Income
-Employee’s costs associated with leaving/changing jobs (e.g. lost or decreased earnings, unemployment)
-Employer’s costs to replace employee (e.g. recruitment, training)
Reporting and Legal Costs
-Legal fees
-Time cost of filing and prosecuting reports
-Expense of settlements or litigation awards
-Damage to reputation
What To Do If You’ve Been Sexually Harassed?
If you’ve experienced harassment, it is important to seek legal help. Schack Law Group offers free consultations for victims of sexual harassment and discrimination. We understand on a personal level the traumatic experience and how uncomfortable the process can be. Our dedicated harassment attorneys will work closely with you to make the process as pain-free as possible. In addition to seeking legal help, we recommend:
Reviewing your company’s sexual harassment policy and reporting the harassment
Gathering any evidence (i.e. emails, slacks, personal notes, etc.) and documentation of each event
Filing a complaint with the EEOC
While filing a sexual harassment lawsuit can feel daunting and intimidating, the lawsuit sends a powerful message that can help change the hostile work environment. You deserve justice and compensation for your suffering. We understand the sensitive nature of these cases. Our lawyers and staff will guide you through the legal process compassionately and diligently so that you get the justice you deserve. Contact our experienced attorneys today for a free consultation.