Class Actions
Individuals should have the right to come together to prevent abuses by bigger companies.
Class Actions & Common Interests
Class actions are lawsuits that allow a large number of people with a common interest in a matter – usually a claim against a particular company – to join together as a group to bring a claim against that company. Below are a list of common types of class actions:
Employment Law
Defective Products
False Advertising
Unfair Debt Collection
Class actions offer a number of advantages, namely the ability to combine a large number of individualized claims into one representative lawsuit. This can greatly reduce the cost to the individual as well as streamline the litigation process by combining the claims. Another advantage of the class action is that it ensures a defendant - who engages in widespread harm, but does so minimally against each individual plaintiff – must compensate all of the individuals for their injuries.
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No company should be allowed to obtain ill-gotten gains by committing small wrongs against large groups of people.
Class Action Successes
Below are some past class action successes:
In Re Lenovo Adware Litigation (Jessica Bennett, et al. v. Lenovo (United States), Inc., et al.)
United States District Court, Northern District of California: MDL No. 2624
Counsel for Plaintiff alleging illegal installation of malware in laptop computers
$8,300,000 Settlement
In Re Volkswagen “Clean” Diesel Liability Litigation (David Bennett vs. Volkswagen Group of America)
United States District Court, Northern District of California: MDL No. 2672Counsel for Plaintiff alleging fraudulent concealment of vehicle defect (defeat device) in diesel vehicles.
$10,000,000,000 Class Settlement
Helen Polonitza, et al. v. Medallion Products, Inc., et al.
Orange County Superior Court Case No. 05CC00030Co-Counsel for nationwide consumer class of purchasers of Liquid Lense, alleging false advertising of the efficacy of the product.
Defendant agreed to disgorge and refund up to $5,779,410 to the class.
Thomas Sprague, et al. v. Qualcomm
San Diego Superior Court Case No. 730565Co-Counsel for class of employees who were deprived the benefit of their stock options when a division of Qualcomm was sold to Ericsson.
$11,000,000 Settlement
Steve Johnson, et al. v. Cox Communications, Inc.
San Diego Superior Court Case No. GIN031197Lead Counsel for class of digital cable subscribers alleging false advertising of “on-demand” movies.
Case settled for $826,000 in free movies to class.
In Re Hydroxycut Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation
United States District Court for the Southern District of California: Case Nos. 3:09-MD-02087-BTM (KSC) and 3:09-CV-01088-BTM (KSC)Co-Counsel for consumer class alleging violations of state consumer protection, false advertising, and unfair competition statutes in the sale, marketing, and distribution of the Hydroxycut products.
$14,000,000 Settlement
In Re Equifax Inc. Consumer Data Security Breach Litigation (Nathan Turner, et al. v. Equifax Inc.)
United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia: MDL No. 2800
Represented lead plaintiff in largest data breach litigation to date.
$380,500,000 Settlement