Employment Litigation & Labor Law
We believe the smallest voices deserve the biggest representation. We have a track record of successfully representing aggrieved employees against Fortune 500 companies who fail to comply with California Labor Laws.
Employment Litigation & Labor Law
California employers are responsible for promptly paying their employees, paying them for overtime, ensuring that they are allowed their meal and rest breaks, and are reimbursed for expenses necessary to do their job such as uniforms, tools, mileage, etc. We represent clients in these and other areas such as:
Employees misclassified as exempt employees so they do not receive overtime when they should;
Failure of employers to keep records and provide proper payroll stubs;
Waiting time penalties;
Preparation or other work without compensation;
Failure to pay wages;
Wrongful termination and retaliation.
If you believe your employer has violated any California labor laws, you may be able to file a lawsuit to receive compensation. Please call us for a free consultation.
What We Do
We represent individuals in all forms of employment litigation matters. We help people recover lost wages, sue for wrongful termination, and rectify situations of employment discrimination, including both gender and age. We understand the unique needs of employees and are sensitive to them in handling their cases, whether individually or in class actions.